Code of Conducts

Code of Conducts

When we implement and realize our decisions, we remain within legal boundaries. We behave in accordance with general moral principles and social values.

Sedele is a big family with its employees and stakeholders, behaving with the awareness of responsibilities to the community, neighborhood, customers and competitors. These responsibilities form the basis of the "Sedele Code of Conduct" attitude.

Sedele Code of Conduct guides the principles, those ensure the application of our common values in business by every member.


Common Values

  • Sensitive to public.
  • Reliability and honesty.
  • Sensitive to customers.
  • Securing the information.
  • Team spirit and unity.
  • Being dynamic.
  • Creativity and innovation.
  • Having self-confidence.


Sedele Code of Ethics

  • Employment is preferred independently.
  • Working conditions are safe and hygienic.
  • Child labor is prohibited.
  • Employees are not paid below the "Minimum Wage" defined in the legislation.
  • No distinction is made between employees.
  • Good relations are provided with employees.
  • Ruthless or inhuman treatment is not allowed.
  • Contracts and recommendations of international organizations are taken into account. (ILO - WHO)


Sedele adheres to the following principles in all its relations and activities;

  • Obeys the Constitution, the entire law and the core of common ethical values.
  • Uses knowledge, skills and experiences for common benefits of the community, protection of cultural heritage and development of human well-being.
  • Commits only realistic issues those can be fulfilled, in all relations and communication activities.
  • Acts with social and ethical consciousness during periods of economic crisis.
  • Uses natural resources effectively and efficiently, to fulfill its responsibilities for today's and future generations.
  • Adheres to the agreements and promises given to the customers about the product or service provided.
  • Any information related with customers is kept confidential and never disclosed without the approval of the party concerned.
  • Provides safe and healthy working conditions for employees.
  • The only evaluation value is the suitability of the employee to the occupation for recruitment and promote process. Religious belief, language, race and gender apartheid is never a matter subject.
  • Sedele never lays its employees open to physical, sexual, psychological, verbal abuse or exploitation.
  • Enables equal opportunity to the employees for training and development of themselves.


Employees of Sedele are obliged to comply with the following business ethics principles when performing their duties;

Sedele employees,

  • Behave fairly and equally in all their relationships and evaluations.
  • Avoid wastage of money, time, labor and materials.
  • Never accept bribe and never offer.
  • Never use the company resources for own private business.
  • Help and ensure protecting nature in all practices.
  • Never disturb and/or harm other employees for any reason.
  • Never profits from their position in the company for themselves.
  • Keep the company information confidential, do not use, transfer, publish, disclose or copy directly or indirectly, during and after working for Sedele.
  • Protect Sedele's intellectual property (inventions, industrial designs, brands, etc.) and others' copyrights and comply with all related legal obligations.